Beyond brief - My first YouTube Channel

Beyond brief - Everything is beyond brief 

Hello guys, this is Sahil ali, A student of Compter science engineering from khwaja Moinuddin Chisti Language University lucknow (Kmclu)

YouTube channel: beyond brief

This Blog is about to my YouTube channel - beyond brief 
I think , everything is beyond brief viz everyone or everybody has a vast means
I'm writing this for everyone should know about my channel because of my knowledge full post on YouTube 
I uploaded the video on almost every topic that is useful for you 
I am upload some my YouTube channel videos here...

This is my channel introducing videos
Please visit once & do subscribe
In future.. I'll continue to upload video on YouTube on almost every topic that is useful for you

Beyond means : to do more than (something) : to do more than is expected or required 

Brief means :As a noun, the word brief commonly means a short written item. In a legal context, a brief is a short legal document, such as a written argument submitted to a court or some other

I'm uploading video about my university , Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti Language University Lucknow (KMCLU)
Kmclu is base,when I had started upload videos 
My first video was kmclu previous year question papers also you can see below 

And same day I had uploaded one more video about this topic and then I had started a new journey that is youtube

I have also uploaded more videos at many useful topics
That was my presentation Video ..
After presenting my presentation in class
I also upload it on YouTube See here...
You can find this video by writing " sahil ali Kmclu" 

 That's was the time. I have started upload ing videos continuously at more interesting topics 
That is how to download e-content of any University

And I had also uploaded video about Kmclu Campus overview 

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