How does the Internet work? (In-Depth)


How does the Internet work? (In-Depth)

What happens in background when you search for anything in a browser? For e.g. when you search for on a browser, after that you get a webpage within a second……

But what actually happens in the background between searching and getting the result of the search? Let's Explore in-depth……

When you search for, the result travels thousands of miles to reach you. Everything that is on internet is stored in data center. means all files and other resources on it are stored on secondary storage devices of the respective servers.

And you need to know that every device (such as your phone or your laptop) that is connected to the internet, is identified uniquely by a pattern of number known as IP Address. that is acts as shipping address through which all information reachs its destination. and your internet service provider (ISP) will decides the IP address of your device.
Similary, the server in data center have also having IP means you can access any website by knowing their IP address. but remembering the IP Address are tough to remember. So, to solve this problem IP address have assigned unique names known as domain name.

In order to domain name the internet get their IP addresses from huge phonebook known as DNS .

Now when you search for, the browsers send the request to the DNS Server to get their IP Address then IP address forward the request to data center.

but how the data reach your phone or your laptop?
Way 1: An Easy way to get this data through the use of satellites. means data could be sent as signal via antenna from the data center. And then from the satellites the signal could be sent your mobile or laptop via another antenna tower near you.

but this way transmitting the data is not a good idea. (But Why?) Because The satellites are positioned nearly 22,300 miles above the Earth’s surface.So in order to transmitting the data would have to travel 22,000 miles (data center to satellite) + 22,000 miles (satellite to clients).

So that data signals can take time to travel. that's become the major causes of unacceptable idea. So, if the result of does not reach you via satellite then how does it actually get to you?

Way 2: Now another and sufficient way is to get this data through the gaint and complicated network of optical fiber cables which connected between the data center and your phone.

So, the world establishes a virtual connection through cables laid under the sea.there is a huge network of these cables under the sea. In 99% of the world, communication and data transfer takes place only through communication cables lying under the sea. These cables are called submarine communication cables. At present, there are about 426 submarine cables under the sea, whose total length is about 13 lakh kilometers. Big Internet companies like Google, Microsoft and Facebook lay them.

Now, As Accessing internet your phone could be connected through the internet via cellular data or any wifi router. but ultimately your phone will be connected to this network of optical fiber cables.

As above you read, the is stored in side the data center. In depth, in data center its stored in solid stated devices (SSD) that acts ac internal memory server whose job is to provide the content when a client request it.

But How the stored data transfer from the data center to your device via the optical fiber cables? the data is transferred in digital format (in the form of light pulse) via optical fiber cables. here the data transferred to the cell tower. and cell tower send the data to you in the form of electromagnetic waves. and you get the results.

In depth,In order to transmitting data through the internet is transfer by small segments that are later translated into bits and the packets get routed to their endpoint /destination through different networking devices i.e. routers or switches. Later, once the packet arrives at the receiver’s end, that small chunks of data get reassembled in order to utilize or check the data that he/she requested. That’s why they are used to push ease in networking and large data can be easily sent by sending small units and this whole process of sending/receiving small bits is known as Packet Switching. In internet we also use some protocols to management of this complex flow of data packets. the protocols are set of rules for data packet conversion , attachment of the source and destination address to each packet and the rules for routers etc for different application for protocol used are different.


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